Project basic information
Distribution Data: March 28, 2019
Total Supply:10,000,000,000
White paper:https://www.orbs.com/assets/docs/white-papers/Orbs-Position-Paper-OFFICIAL-V1.7.pdf
Block Explorer:https://etherscan.io/token/0xff56cc6b1e6ded347aa0b7676c85ab0b3d08b0fa
Project Introduction
Orbs is an open, decentralized and public blockchain infrastructure executed by a secure network of permissionless validators using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus.Orbs is set up as a separate decentralized execution layer operating between existing L1/L2 solutions and the application layer, as part of a tiered blockchain stack, without moving liquidity onto a new chain.
Orbs acts as a “decentralized backend”, enhancing the capabilities of existing EVM smart contracts and opening up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for Web 3.0, DeFi, NFTs and GameFi.